Children are given opportunities to increase self-help skills and strengthen problem solving abilities. They’ll learn more about themselves as individuals, accept differences in others, appreciate the world around them, gain self-confidence and build strong foundations for later learning.
The South Lyon Cooperative Nursery school provides a nurturing, secure environment for young children and their families. Our curriculum is based on High Scope active learning curriculum. Planning with the child’s interest and involvement along with the plan, do, review sequence of learning. We focus on children’s individual needs by offering a developmentally appropriate program that addresses all areas of development. SLCP uses the research based assessment of COR (child observation record) This assessment allows individual based learning opportunities, focused lessons on the classroom developmental needs and offers convenient communication for families.
Through active learning children explore their world, participate in critical thinking and grow interpersonally. Our large and small group learning opportunities foster growth in the areas of social development, literacy and language, number operations, motor skills, taking turns, music and rhythm, and creative representation.
We believe that children learn best when:
- They are secure and feel safe in their environment.
- They are engaged in activities that are meaningful and relevant to their lives.
- They manipulate objects and are allowed to fully explore.
- They are given small and large group instruction.
- They learn through child and adult interactions.
- Their parents are involved in their learning.
- Activities are developmentally appropriate.
- Adults facilitate learning opportunities.
- Experiences are translated into learning.
- Children are given a variety of learning experiences.
- Children are supported through their struggles with caring and consideration of them as a person.
Create patterns, use imagination, solve problems, use motor skills, learn about properties of wood, explore spatial awareness, study cause and effect, take turns, and learn more about shapes.
Create patterns, use imagination, solve problems, use motor skills, learn about properties of wood, explore spatial awareness, study cause and effect, take turns, and learn more about shapes.
Create patterns, use imagination, solve problems, use motor skills, learn about properties of wood, explore spatial awareness, study cause and effect, take turns, and learn more about shapes.
Learn new vocabulary and increase language development, use memory skills, create patterns and rhythms, use literacy skills, learn new concepts and use self-expression.
Learn concepts of shape, explore different sizes such as big and small, express imagination, use language skills, see negative space in a cookie cutter cut out and are given sensory experiences.
Learn that reading is important and enjoyable, see that print has meaning, gain knowledge of the concepts of books (author, illustrator, title), express imagination, understand that pictures share meanings, listen to spoken language and make up their own stories.
Express themselves physically, practice body control, take turns, use balance and coordination, and gain new vocabulary and use language.
Look for differences and likenesses in objects, learn concepts of color, shape and size, learn numerical concepts and use logical reasoning.
Build self-confidence, develop new skills, use imagination, interact with others, and build strength needed for writing.
Use fine motor muscles, express themselves creatively, are able to use their senses to learn, gain knowledge of shapes and sizes, explore concepts of space on the paper and use eye/hand coordination.
Use eye/hand coordination, practice sorting, learn color, shapes and sizes, use math vocabulary such as more, less, longer and shorter, create and reproduce and use fine motor muscles.
Abstract representation necessary for reading, learn from other children and adults, use language, take turns, problem solve, use critical thinking, use different tones and practice self-help skills.